Finance and money in all the time I have occupied for the importance of one of the first places in the life of every person. Just for the reason of enrichment, and financial stability people are willing very and hard work, but even in these situations is not always able to realize their dream of a determined sum of money. In fact, in this matter, as in many other situations of life, it is very important to have a little bit of luck and good fortune. To help solve this difficult problem of enrichment can monetary amulet, that for greater effectiveness it is better to do it with your own hands.

Amulets to attract money has a lot of variety: they perform almost all of the famous natural materials and unexpected shapes. It is necessary to be able to solve any problem related to financial issues: some of the talismans will help you get a specific sum of money, others will keep intact the already accumulated wealth.
The basic rule is the mascot must be made with the hands of its owner, as only in this case, an amulet that will have the maximum power and already pre-configured exactly to your aura.
In addition, it is important to adhere to the whole functioning of the ritual, carefully observing the recommendations laid down. In this case, you may fear that the creation of such a money amulet in store for you negativity.
Cash mascot
With the help of this ritual is able to create a special object, which like a magnet will attract to you the finance. But the ritual is quite laborious, he must prepare in advance, gather the necessary items.
You will need these things:
- Wax candle green colour.
- The new fabric tablecloth red range of colors.
- A small square piece of cloth in green color.
- The fresh leaf of eucalyptus. If you find such a subject is not possible, it is possible to replace the normal bay leaf.
- Coin one rouble.
- A bit of bergamot essential oil.
- Red silk ribbon.
The rite takes place only in the phase of the increasing moon, together with you, in you came the long-awaited wealth. So it is very important to choose the day of the week you prefer to create the money amulet: traditionally, all the manipulations with the finances, the magic of the source is carried out exclusively on Thursday.

When all of the objects you have collected and the day has arrived, you can proceed to the ritual. For this wait for the sunset and stay alone in a empty room lying on the table a tablecloth, and light green candle.
The first candle you need to enter the green square of fabric, which is the upper part is place a sheet of eucalyptus or laurel. On the leaf of a plant, it is necessary to place the cooked currency, pre-treatment of the single drop of bergamot essential oil.
After the end of all these manipulations, it is necessary to focus mentally on that desire, and what drove you to commit this rite: watching the coin, consider once again, which is the sum of money that you need and for what. His thoughts should build in this way, as you have already received this amount and the problems were successfully resolved.
When you are ready, wrap the green edge of the material, so that the sheet and the magic coin are done in-house within an envelope. You must say these words:
"All collected, the Names of Large Ahaziah, yarat luck tulit iuramentum".
Now the square should be surrounded once again, by hiding the amulet as deeply as possible in the fabric layers. This action is also accompanied by the words:
"The money I want."
The manipulation is necessary to make once again, after already another phrase:
"The truth, and is not a lie! Lot of money, and not a penny."
Now you should pay attention to tie the knot in a red ribbon. This money amulet, created with their own hands, it is better not to always carry, and hide safely in that place, where you spend the time to work or to keep the money. Periodically, contact as phylacterium with the request, or simply to hold in the palm of the hand. Also, don't forget to thank him when you get unexpected money.
Monetary shell
This amulet will help you not only attract new funds, but, and effectively retain previously accumulated, especially if you are prone to squandering. However, keeping such a ritual is not so simple, as you'll need one thing unusual: to create the amulet, it must fall in the sea beautiful large kitchen sink white, composed by two doors.
If you are lucky and a similar subject taken in hand, be sure to save it, the return to the house you will be able to perform a magical ritual to attract money into their own hands.
In addition, most of the covers you will also need a coin of any dignity, well if you take the coin to a lucky, and a little bit of essential oil to your taste. You must also buy the green wax of the candle.
The same magic ritual, which allows you to make cash amulet with the hands, it held as follows:

- Initially, you need to focus and to pay a part of its energy in the metal, terracotta and coins. In this way you activate an amulet. To do this, just focus on his thoughts, on the request of a sum of money.
- After that, take one of the doors, covers or put inside locutus money.
- On it you should apply a couple of drops of any of your favorite essential oil.
- Now the talisman is almost ready, it's missing to fill the sink with the wax. For this angle the green lit a candle on it and wait until it fills up the melted wax.
After the wax hardens, your amulet on the money ready. The first time it is necessary to wear with itself, and therefore must be left in that place, where you earn money, as well as next to the computer and so on.